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How does Star Wars: Republic Commando hold up in 2025? A Review

Mr. Fore

How does a 20-year-old game like Star Wars: Republic Commando hold up in 2025? To my amazement, it plays pretty well!

Phenomenal Star Wars Music with a Militaristic Tone

First off, the music - just phenomenal. It is clear they had access to virtually any Star Wars song, they've crafted an auditory experience that perfectly complements the militaristic vibe of the game. The opening sequence is absolutely perfect, setting the tone for what's to come.

For 2005, it's surprisingly reminiscent of what Half-Life did for the genre, you actually feel like you're part of the war-torn galaxy of the Clone Wars.

Star Wars: Republic Commando Evacuate Through AFT Door!

Gameplay From Squad Innovation to Monotony

However, gameplay does have its caveats. After a while, it can feel a bit monotonous. The missions are long and the squad commands, while innovative for the time, can feel clunky by today's standards. But, if you're a Star Wars fan, these are minor gripes. The game truly captures the essence of the life as an elite Delta Squad member. The graphics, while dated, have a charm to them. They don't detract from the experience but rather add to the nostalgia for these older type of games.

Star Wars: Republic Commando om kashyyyk


If you love Star Wars, you'll find plenty to enjoy here. It throws you back into the world of the prequels from a unique and cool angle; and it really shows how well some games age. With just how terrible modern Star Wars games have become, this game is just ten folds better at capturing Star Wars, it feels entirely authentic. I got the game for $1 off G2A, definitely worth revisiting or experiencing for the first time if you missed it back in the day.

Main Story

Main + Sides


All Styles

9 Hours

10 Hours

10 Hours

10 Hours


Gameplay: 7.5/10

Story: 8.5/10

Music: 10/10

Game Design: 8/10

Enjoyment: 9/10



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