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Batman Arkham Knight Review in 2024

Mr. Fore

Updated: Nov 4, 2024

Batman Arkham Knight is stunning game, the world and graphics are much better than the prior releases, and the story... is just amazing.

Batman Arkham Knight thumbnail
Environments and Stellar Voice Acting Elevate the Batman Experience

The environments are incredibly well done, with dialogues and side characters talking and discussing the game world around you. The attention to detail is very well done. The action, the cinematic shots, the puzzles, it takes everything the last Batman game does and takes it up ten notches. The voice acting and performance of the characters are done beautifully.

The ending is just... something you need to experience for yourself. I loved it. The DLC's are short, but can be picked up for super cheap on summer sales and are worth it!

Batman Arkham Knight Riddler in the city
One Ridiculous Game Design Choice

One major complaint though, who in their right mind decided you need to collect over 240 Riddler trophies to get the full ending? Probably the worst game design choice I could think of, looking at YouTube comments of the ending, the majority of people just watched the ending on YouTube, which goes to show that this was a bad game design choice.

Main Story

Main + Sides


All Styles

17 Hours

31½ Hours

51 Hours

30½ Hours


Gameplay: 10/10

Story: 10/10

Graphics: 9.5/10

Gameplay: 10/10

Story: 10/10

Graphics: 9.5/10

Enjoyment: 10/10

Music: 9/10



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